Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

Assalamualaikum w.r.b

Bersempena kedatangan bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini, rasanya belum terlambat untuk saya ucapkan Selamat Berpuasa kepada semua saudara mara, sahabat handai, rakan taulan, dan pelanggan2 yang saya hormati, tidak lupa mohon maaf zahir & batin....andai ada kekhilafan diri..Semoga amalan kita terus bertambah dari segala segi ...khusyuk dan lebih berisi.!

Dan sempena bulan ramadhan yang mulia, ramai sungguh yang berlumba-lumba untuk bersedeqah...tidak ketinggalan lah satu2nya adik perempuan saya....Siti..dan bagusnya dia order (dlm pada tu tak lupa gak dia dtg tlg saya) dari kakak nya cupcake untuk dijamu kepada rakan2 pejabat...Siti cuma nak yang simple dn she orderd choc moist cupcake with some with buttercream.  Inilah gambar yg sempat saya ambil...

Also my youngest brother, Azmi pun xketinggalan, dia pun nak sedeqah jugak, so baked him strawberry cheesecake untuk dibawa ke off...Both brother and sister said, officemate sume suka dan enjoy makan cc dan cheesecake.....seedapp! Alhamdullillah...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Decoration class

I've alwayz admire people's work at decided to polish my skills further and off i went to see sifu Liana of Loveliana.... It was cupcake and cookies decoration class and these are some photos taken from the class....
After the class, the next day i quickly grab the nozzle and practice the new acquired skill and here's the result...

My Comeback!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and cheers to ALL,

It's been a while since a last update this blog of mine..been busy with routine life, been juggling from an office worker to a wife, mother and baker..alas here I am...trying to give my touch again ere....

Emmm, let's see what shall i update u, well....I'm not the one with lots of words so let's start with some photos i have here, taken during my "silence" here goes...
These are some of the birthday cakes i made. No. 1 cake was for my grand daughter? hubby was the youngest of his family and his nieces already hve their own children we become the young (??) "atok" and "nenek" of Elisya... Spongebob cake was for my very neighbour sitting next to me in office Zeela for her son Yusuf... and nonetheless the MU fan is also my office mate fr KLS...Aishah...
To all, Happy wonderful birthday (it's late tho), may Allah gives them His blessing and good health...especially now! By the way, i must give credit to my ex office mate, Shashue for the tutorial she gave me over the phone and helpd me out with the gadgets...thx a lot shashue..jasamu dikenang!


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